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Golden Brass Cufflink

  • Product Code : 01
  • Unit of Measure :Pair/Pairs
  • Minimum Order Quantity :100

Anniversary Brass Cufflink

  • Product Code : 03
  • Minimum Order Quantity :100
  • Unit of Measure : Pair/Pairs
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Nanhi Mart is one of the big names that offer designer and aesthetic Brass Cufflink fits that are made up of materials such as brass and high density plastic that impart high strength to weight ratio with excellent surface finish. They are available in various customizable designs that can be customized as per the order placed by our customers. The light weight and high durability of these components make them highly demanding and popular among our customers. Customers can get these premium quality Brass Cufflink products in large quantities with an assurance of fast and safe delivery at a reasonable and low price range.

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